We, the citizens of the world, your neglected masses, your most affected:
We demand action now. We heed no borders. We value no debt-based currency.
We are tired, fatigued, often desperate, because of your cruel impositions.
We demand an end to these impositions. We fear no robot army.
We refuse to be replaced.

We are your tired and weary – we are Generation T[echno].
We are designing our future now, whether or not you choose to participate.
We demand an end to fossil fuels. We are Generation Green –
Our planet is more important than your destruction-based profit.
The ‘Great Game’… is game: over.

We demand peace. We demand armistice.
We demand the end of all imperialist ego-mad megalomania.
We implore you to focus on the future of our fragile ecosystem –
Our [grand]children implore you to take immediate action.
They deserve a future!  

We are no longer accepting this imposed arrangement.
We demand equality and equity.
We can see the future clearly –
Jobs are obsolete… but we will remain.
Kein mensch ist illegal!  

We are at a crossroads in civilisation –
We declare that no one deserves to starve.
Art and culture – we demand their return to prominence.
We demand creation! NOT destruction.
Most of all, we demand dignity.

We are the plebeians who have provided your exorbitant wealth.
We are every colour of skin – rural, urban, [un]educated, disabled…
And most of all, utterly exhausted.
We refuse to be ignored.

We demand that you honour [y]our promised civil contract.
We demand clean drinking water for all.
We demand eradication of poverty.
We demand universal healthcare.
These are our rights!

We demand the end of politics as the hit TV drama series for the Military-Industrial Complex.
We see you, puppet masters. Your masks are now off.
We, the people whom you have starved of our dignity, demand a series finale – yesterday.
DaDa says ‘no’…

The 21st century brings our 2020 vision – 20th-century colonialism must end… !
In every nation-state, in every corner of the globe.
DaDa says ‘no’ to WAR FOR PROFIT…

We defy your conventions, which you will no longer impose on us.
We are done with your machinations. We are the Great Awakening.
We number in billions… and we come in peace.
We demand to be heard.
Our roar will deafen your deceit.

Bla, bla,
Ja, ja.
Si, si.
Oui, oui.
Да, дааа… ! 
We are the new DaDa.